Family & Motherhood

it’s really happening: second trimester


I had heard stories about how awesome second trimester was for people. Morning sickness gone, energy back, fun cravings and a “back to normal” attitude.

To prove that every pregnancy is different, it seemed as though this alien/parasite (a name my mother cringes at every time I say it), wanted to do his/her own thing (much like myself) and my morning sickness/vomiting finally subsided at about 17 weeks (a little over 4 months). Way past its due time, but thankful none-the-less.

1. How big is the baby?

I’m 18 weeks and baby is the size of a sweet potato (or for the dad-to-be. the size of a Ben and Jerry’s pint of ice cream).

2. Foods I Love…

Cesar salad, cold sandwiches, kettle chips and Honest Tea Peach White Tea. I also pick up random candy on occasion like jelly beans. Justin knows better than to ask questions. 

3. Foods I Hate…

I have no desire for red meat or seafood. Red meat has been an aversion since the beginning, but after throwing up seafood, I’m officially over that food group. 

4. How I’m Feeling…

Every day is better, although the nausea hasn’t gone completely away and comes in small bursts throughout the day. If I eat very heavy foods I get very bloated and feel very (uncomfortably) full. Tums and a good walk help a lot. Surprisingly, so does dancing 🙂 

5. Looking Forward To…

Finding out if we are having a boy or a girl soon. My parents and sister will be in town and I’m excited to share that with them. Justin really wants a boy and I’m leaning towards a girl, but since it’s our first, we’ll be happy with a healthy baby. I was looking forward to doing a “reveal” party, but I’m excited to do that with my in-laws! 

6. Scared About…

The unknown of pregnancy. I don’t easily go with the flow, and like to know as much information as possible. Childbirth, in of itself, scares the crap out of me, but I’m trying not to think about that this early on. I’ve also been more conscious about putting good things in my body, but since I’m still nauseous throughout the day, it’s been a bit tough. 

7. Things I’ve Learned…

Every pregnancy is different, EVERY ONE OF THEM. Keeping active, even if it’s just around the block, really does help your overcrowded digestive system. Lastly, a warm bath, especially with these Lush Bath Bombs, is delightful.