How are you doing?
It’s been 7 months. 7 months of figuring out what our days looks like. What work, school, kids and connection with friends and family looks like. Some poured their energy into working out, others (ahem, me) decided to get on the sourdough baking wagon. It’s been almost a full year of uncertainty, adjusting, settling and then adjusting and settling again.
Where do we go from here? What habits have you found comfort in? For me personally, I’ve embraced my natural waves, re-started my blog and have been journaling my story. I take the most comfort in letting it out on paper (or screen) as I can express myself best with a keyboard. I look for TV shows that are funny and offer my brain a break from anything serious or dramatic (my husband and I are into Schitt’s Creek at the moment and mid-way through the last season. It’s been the perfect show to watch after the kids go down). My health has suffered, as I tend to turn to food in times of stress, but I’ve also learned I’m a pretty good baker. So while things get even more tense with an important election coming up, at least I’ve got a recipe for cinnamon rolls ready to go.
Our kids are adjusting just as much as we are, and for them, it is harder to comprehend what is happening and why. Playgrounds FINALLY opened up here in the Bay Area, and my kids have never been so happy to go down a slide or go on the monkey bars. Public schools (for the most part) are still closed, and while remote learning is tough for my kindergartener, right now, it’s what we have to work with. I’m grateful that my kids have very limited knowledge of the clusterfuck we live in now. They know there is a virus that makes people sick, that because of it we need to wear masks, can’t go into peoples houses to playdates or go see my parents in Texas, and although it makes them mad (“that darn virus” they say), they aren’t scared or worried. They have looked to us for how to act and while my husband and I have given them direct information, we explain it in a matter-of-fact manner that doesn’t cause fear, just knowledge. They are ok wearing masks, and know to cover their mouths and wash their hands.
So how are you doing? Are you getting enough sleep? Doing something for yourself at least a couple of times a week? Now more than ever, it’s ok not to be or do everything. Embrace TV as a break (Bluey is our currently favorite on Disney+). Go outside and force yourself to be out in sunshine. Call friends. Facetime family. Seek a therapist.
But most of all, trust your gut. No one is on the same page as far as whats OK and not OK. People are making their own judgements. Trust your gut and trust the people that are on your page.
Stay safe and sane.