• Lifestyle

    awkward silence

    Hey readers! I thought I would write this post today to hopefully make you laugh a bit (or at least smile) to get ready for the weekend. There are a few things that run consistently in my daily work life: 1. I’m always late (and no it’s not disrespectful of other people’s time when there isn’t a meeting) 2. I get my morning coffee, usually around the same time as another guy in the office who I usually engage in small talk. When I ask him how he is, I get the same response every time: “trying to make it” he says, with a big smile on his face. Yep,…

  • Family & Motherhood

    now THAT’S a cool feeling

    I remember back in high school (hell it might’ve been earlier than that), my favorite radio station, 104 KRBE would have a segment called “cool feelings” with Psycho Robby. I looked it up and its actually from 1994. Wow I feel old now… It had little everyday things that would happen during the day that would evoke a feeling. An example would be: “when you put on your winter coat for the first time and find a $20 bill in your pocket that you had forgotten about. That’s a cool feeling.” Remember that? I used to love those. I even remember what he sounds like to this day, with his…

  • Lifestyle


    So I finally took my very first photography class! I bought a Groupon about a year ago and FINALLY used it. I’ll tell you that after my wedding and looking at all of those photographers getting so creative with everyday things was inspiring. So I wanted to see if 1) I had an interest in it and 2) would I want to pursue this as a possible career. I loved this class. I have to tell you it was overwhelming at first with all the information thrown at you. I know NOTHING about flash, ISO, AWB, or single shot mode (see I sound smarter saying all those terms don’t I?) but…

  • Food

    in the kitchen

    So I’m not the best cook. If anything, I get easily discouraged in the kitchen. I don’t know how people see it as relaxing or therapeutic. It’s a lot of work for the 10 minutes it takes for you to eat it. By the time you dice the vegetables, cook the meat, make the sauce and let it bake in the oven I’m already worn out. My expectations sky-rocket and I’m wanting this thing to be the best thing I’ve ever tasted. It’s not. That being said, I LOVE to try new recipes (opportunity to be creative) and surprising myself. Sometimes it turns out tasting great and looking ugly (like…

  • Family & Motherhood

    directionally challenged

    If directionally challenged isn’t a real word, it should be. That’s what I am. I’m horrible at directions and always have been. Directionally challenged is a loving word my family started calling me after way too many “wait I don’t know where I am” (in the daylight, middle of the day, after I’ve been to that place 3 times already that day). I got to thinking about this because yesterday my sister asked me to go to Starbucks with her at a location close to my other sisters apartment. She gave me very simple directions and I still ended up making a big circle until I decided to enter in…

  • Lifestyle


    So I started this blog to get my feelings and thoughts out there in the world and hopefully give me some kind of insight as who I am and what I can become. So early in this new year, I already feel as though I’ve grown so much as a person just by reading the things I write and getting such great love and support from family and friends. I have decided to push this thing even further and have invested in a career/life coach program. It’s a month to month program and all done through email. I’m on my 4th day and it’s been a great experience thus far.…

  • Family & Motherhood

    christmas has come and gone, only happiness remains

    First of all, Merry Christmas!! Last night was our Christmas Eve, the day we do everything. No Christmas Day in this house, everything happens on the 24th. We had dinner, midnight mass, presents until 4am and talked until 6am. Yep, it was a good night 🙂 On Christmas Day, I couldn’t be happier. I’m with the people who matter the most in my life. The people who I want to share all my important life events with. I’m one lucky chica. I can’t help but think about how comfortable I am here, at my parents house. There is no stress, lots of laughter, drama (it’s a necessity here) and just…

  • Family & Motherhood

    invest in people

    My husband had his company Christmas party today, and they did it up. We’re talking beautiful venue (Hall of State at Fair Grounds), cocktails, live music, delicious food and fireworks to top it all off. I think this one takes the cake as far as Christmas company parties go. They really know how to treat their employees well, not just for the holidays, but it seems like they understand and appreciate their importance. Free breakfast, Xbox kinect to break up the work hours, and drinks in the middle of the day are part of the perks. I’m reminded that in college, my favorite classes were the marketing ones (no big…

  • Family & Motherhood

    catch the energy, release the potential

    [youtube=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gNDP9jLuzXU] I remember back when I worked for Universal Music we had our annual company meeting in LA to discuss new artist releases, business goals and the next years agenda. On the last day, we had our closing meeting with a presentation from our CEO with the goal to get everyone hyped up for the new quarter. Usually these presentations are brushed off and forgotten by dinnertime. This   presentation was given in 2003 and in 2011 I still remember it like it was yesterday. It was one of the most impactful presentations I’ve ever  heard, and not because of our speaker, but because of the content. The  presentation was called…

  • Family & Motherhood


    Mya 🙂 It just now occurred to me that I haven’t written a post about my little doggie yet. Well let me tell you, she’s my little furry love ball. I really did get lucky with this adorable beagle. I bought her at a pet store before I really knew about all this puppy mill disaster. She was calm and feel asleep in my arms. “Oh she’s going to be so calm” is what I said to myself. Turns out she was just tired…When I brought her home my sisters, mom and I sat in a circle and tried to name her. My sister suggested Lacy and looking back that…