• Lifestyle

    what the hills y’all: I’m on a boat

    What the Hills Y’all: Adventures of a Texas girl living in San Francisco The Ferry Building is one of those tourist-y things every girl needs to do. When I was reading SF guides like this one and this one, the Ferry Building was something I wanted to check out. Being a foodie and hearing of all the yummy unique treats and tastes there, we decided to take the ferry from Alameda, which dropped us off right in front of the building. It doesn’t look like much from the outside, but walk inside and it’s a whole other thing. You can shop for fresh produce, sip a glass of Merlot at…

  • Lifestyle

    What the hills y’all: the anti-bags

    What the Hills Y’all: Adventures of a Texas girl living in San Francisco   San Francisco has this thing about bags- they hate them. In fact, they hate them so much that they’ve banned the paper or plastic kind and request demand that you bring your own, preferably made out of cotton or otherwise environmentally friendly material. If you don’t, you will be charged $.10 with a side of shame. This presents a problem for the slightly forgetful me. In Texas, people give bags out like they are candy. Stores will double bag for heavy items, and even attach an unused one at the grocery store to fulfill their stuff-20-bags-a-minute…

  • Family & Motherhood

    what’s your personality type?

      Do you know what your personality type is? I remember taking the Myers Briggs test in high school and was fascinated with how accurate it was. Introvert/Extrovert, Intuitive/Sensing, Thinker/Feeler, Judger/Prospector, they all shape how we interact with the everyday. As a senior in high school, going through college applications and figuring out what I wanted to do with the rest of my life, I decided I wanted to be a child psychiatrist. That dream lasted about a year, when my first chemistry class kicked my ass and I got my first “yeah, no you’re not going to do that” sign. I knew I was fascinated with the human mind (and…

  • Lifestyle

    what the hills y’all: public transportation

    What the Hills Y’all: Adventures of a Texas girl living in San Francisco Growing up in Texas, public transportation was not something you did by choice, but rather a task needing to be done as a last resort. Here in San Francisco, especially in the city, your car is a big fish in a tiny pond, there just isn’t room. I know people who love public transportation. The idea of someone else essentially driving for you, no driving around for 45 minutes to find a parking spot or worries of your car being broken into is bliss in a package. My husband is one of those people. The minute he…

  • Lifestyle

    what the hills, y’all!

    Welcome to a new blog series called What the Hills, Y’all! Here I’ll talk about the adventures of a Texas girl moving to San Francisco. Come with me as we explore the city, one difference at a time.  “These hills are a bitch”, I say out of breath walking up a street in Nob Hill. “Couldn’t have said it better myself”, says a random stranger next me, also struggling with the whole breathing thing. The hills here are no joke. Cars look like they are dropping off to disappearance as they go up and downhill. Red lights when driving are scary as it forces me to stop mid-hill, unsure if…

  • Lifestyle

    moving to san francisco

    “How are you feeling?” “Are you excited?” “How is your family taking it?” “What an exciting adventure and beautiful city!” These are the top questions/comments I’ve gotten prior to moving to San Francisco. After going through our entire house, cleaning it for real estate pictures, selling furniture, and movers packing up everything, today is it. I get on my one way flight with bags (4 to be exact) and a dog (who has to go in cargo, excuse me while my heart breaks a little) to move from Dallas, Texas to the city by the bay. While I’m curious to see what this new adventure holds, I’m also nervous with…

  • Family & Motherhood

    sister night

    There is one thing that is constant on Monday night, and don’t you even say Monday Night Football. For me it’s sister night and tonight will be my last one living here in Dallas before I’m off to San Francisco. Sister night was developed (look at me all sounding patent-pending, trademark-like) by my 2 younger sisters and I when we realized it was stupid to be in the same city and not see each other every week. So we made a deal to pick a day that worked for all of our after-work schedules and get together sans-husbands, friends, boyfriends, etc. Our plan was great on paper: we would get the…

  • Family & Motherhood

    finding what you love

    Finding what you love can be life’s saving grace. It serves as a distraction, an esteem booster, a blissful waste of time and if you’re lucky and work hard, what you love could even be your job.  I’ve had many loves in my life that have played an important role in my life. Music Music was always playing in my house since I was a baby. I remember being woken up on the weekends by my parents blasting music of Cher, Simon and Garfunkel and Dianne Warwick along with Italian and Latin artists while my mom made breakfast. After elementary school, I entered into the standard identity crisis phase known…

  • Food

    Brand Love: The Most Interesting Man in the World

    Having been in the marketing world for 10 years, I’ve always been in love with brands that have managed to make their product become bigger than themselves. Coca Cola is by far my favorite (I mean come on, it’s just sugar and water!), but Nike, Target, and Sephora rank high on my list. Here is one of those brands. *note, although I totally wish I could say Dos XX contacted me to rave about their brand, I would be lying. This is not a paid post but simply a showcasing of brilliant branding.  [embedplusvideo height=”325″ width=”625″ editlink=”http://bit.ly/1bAYCYx” standard=”http://www.youtube.com/v/rlmwXolYH9A?fs=1&hd=1″ vars=”ytid=rlmwXolYH9A&width=625&height=325&start=&stop=&rs=w&hd=1&autoplay=0&react=1&chapters=¬es=” id=”ep7267″ /] Dos XX. I have to say I’m not a…

  • Beauty

    let’s talk: shampoo

    Sometimes I wish I could go back to the days when the shampoo I used was picked out for me by my mom and I didn’t care two flips about sulfates, ant-frizz, hydrating or smoothing selling points. When simple soap and water would do the trick. Those times, even though I vaguely remember them, are long gone. Now with my Brazilian blowout hair chemistry re-vamp, my I-don’t-know-what-my-real-hair-color-is and my hard-fought battle to cover pesky grays, words like sulfates, parabens, cuticle and hair shaft are all too familiar. Blame it on years in the beauty industry, or the plain fear of holding on to my hair for as long as I…