This past Sunday morning was like any other Sunday. I got up late, sat up on my bed and checked my email on my phone. It’s a ritual I do on the weekends. Usually it’s the same emails I get on the weekends: Spafinder specials, Pillsbury recipes, LivingSocial/Groupon deals, etc. This Sunday was different…
I have been a fan of Oprah for a very long time, probably 10 years. I remember one Christmas my mom gave me Oprah’s 20th Anniversary DVD Collection and my sister Vanessa and I would watch one or two shows every night. It was a great bonding experience for us. I remember checking online everyday and seeing if I could request tickets to a show. There were never tickets. I had given up. Once she announced she was ending her show, I knew I was never going to get that shot to see her live.
I periodically watch her shows on OWN, and have always remained a fan even though I can’t see her at 4pm everyday. Her story and influence on the world has made her a woman I look up to and admire. I had gotten on her email list for updates to her shows, sweepstakes and contests (who knows, I might get lucky). Well folks, I GOT LUCKY!
I had received an email saying her Life Class was going on tour and that there was an opportunity to request tickets to her show. She was going to be in NY and St. Louis. You had 3 days to request tickets and on that Sunday you would get an email of whether your name was drawn. I thought to myself “heck, why not, I won’t get picked”, and requested tickets. I think you know what happened…
So I sat up on my bed on Sunday morning (or afternoon I should say), checking my email, and there it was. “Congratulations, your request for tickets has been selected!”. OMG…
That’s what I kept saying over and over again. I am going to see Oprah live. A dream come true. Here’s the kicker, Tony Robbins is the guest teacher.
Now for those that have been reading this blog since I started, you know that I’ve been going through a life changing journey in my career. Trying to figure out where my best talents lie, how I can make my career what I want it to be, etc. When I hired a career coach, she suggested I check out a Tony Robbins seminar. For those of you who don’t know him, he is a brilliant motivational speaker. He’s known for inspiring people to change their lives and live the life you dream about.
I’m not huge on the power of the universe. Getting back what you put in, if you ask for something the universe will give it to you, etc. I’ve just never believed it. However, I have to admit that something was happening here. I am trying to figure out what I’m doing with my career and focusing on making major changes. I am a fan of Oprah for her influence, success and message (I mean the woman can hold up a face cream and the company sells out of it in ten minutes). Tony Robbins talks about building your own enterprise. I am selected NOW to go to an Oprah show. Tony Robbins is the guest speaker. That can’t be a coincidence.
I’m so excited to be going to NY to see her. It’s going to be a life changing day for me. I’m taking my husband with me for this once in a lifetime experience so that he can be there and feel the emotions of that day. I’m sure I’ll cry, laugh, and walk out of there ready to change my life.
I’ve already had dreams about the day. I’m waiting in line, Oprah greets everyone, she sees me crying from the emotion and hugs me, we take a picture together, etc. A girl can dream…
My smile is so huge right now and my eyes are open so wide from the excitement. The show will be taped in Monday, April 2nd so there is a chance you could see me on TV.
Ok, back to looking for a hotel and flight. I’m coming Oprah!