Family & Motherhood

year one

After getting back to reality (and by reality I mean back on land) after a cruise vacation with my husband in celebration of our first year of marriage, a bit of reflection is in order.

A whole year has passed since we said “I Do” and became official husband and wife. I gave up my Italian last name (wait is that Sinatra?) for a much shorter, easier one to remember (and quite famous actually. Semi Homemade with Sandra Lee anyone?).

We made it through the first 3 months (and longer than Kim Kardashian and Kris Humphreys), celebrated our 6 month, and ended with a sail away trip for our one year.

Aside from the legalities, there are several things I learned in the first year of marriage that I think are important to share. So, without further ado, here are the top 5 lessons I learned in these first 365 days:

1. Create opportunities for future memories (future trips, concerts, events)

2. Learn each others communication style

3. Learn to compromise

4. Get a cleaning system that works for you. (If you don’t like to take out the trash, choose to do laundry instead. Hire a housekeeper. If you don’t like to do the dishes, cook dinner instead)

5. Enjoy the football off-season (it’ll be over sooner than you think)


I thought it would be interesting to get Justin’s take on the first year lessons. Here is what he had to say:

1. Know when to pick your fights

2. Figure out your money situation early

3. Make time for each other

4. Get a system that can record more than 2 shows at a time on your DVR (your shows are not your wife’s, in fact they are polar opposites)

5. Be comfortable enough to be naked in front of each other but not too comfortable to go to the bathroom in front of each other.

The traditional gift is paper for the first year, and we did that justice by giving each other event tickets- George Lopez and Coldplay here we come!

To my Justin- Thank you for your love and support, but most of all for laughing with me yesterday, today and tomorrow. Happy Anniversary, I love you 🙂