Is Frozen the new Little Mermaid?
I can’t get that song out of my head.
It doesn’t help that Jimmy Fallon did one of his classic ” kindergarten toys” rendition with Idina Menzel herself (or is her name Adele Dazeem?). The hit song “Let It Go” from Disney’s Oscar-winning film Frozen is all over the place, and I haven’t even seen the movie.
When I was little, I wanted to be Ariel from The Little Mermaid. When we moved into a bigger house growing up, we got a pool. Soon enough, the Disney movie resided in that pool and we let our imagination soar (or paddle, which was probably more realistic). The shallow end with steps were King Triton’s end, while the deep end (which we could not touch bottom), became evil Ursula’s end. As soon as my sisters and I’s feet would hit the water, we had imaginary tails and even swam like we were mermaids (I thank God social media and iPhone camera videos weren’t big as I can’t image how dumb we looked). We even did the hair flip and thought we rocked it (again, so grateful for the never present camera).
I haven’t seen a Disney movie have that much power until Frozen came out. Sure Lion King, Pocahontas and even Shrek was cool, but not to this level. It’s the highest grossing Disney film of all time for crying out loud (just $1 billion). I hear kid’s dance classes doing routines to the song and adults randomly humming it. There is even a Frozen-Tangled-Little Mermaid connection that is laughable, but mostly because people actually took the time to research.
For those that haven’t seen the film, it’s about a fearless princess who goes on a long journey. She probably finds herself in the middle of it and decides to “Let It Go”. Sound familiar? That’s what the majority of Disney movies are about, including my beloved Little Mermaid.
So while Jimmy Fallon and pop culture experts keep talking about Frozen, I think back to the days of The Little Mermaid. A story about a fearless princess who embarks on a long journey to find herself. And while I’m sure Anna goes through struggles and hardships, let’s not forget that Ariel gave up her tail, frizz-free hair and the ability to breathe under water. Enough said.
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