Family & Motherhood

halfway through the first year

little one

I blinked and our little one is 6 months old. Halfway through her first year.

I can’t believe it.

6 months ago she was a 3 lb. newborn with no head control and wearing onesie’s that were too big for her small body. She struggled to keep her head up, couldn’t consume more than 2 ounces of milk and crossed her eyes now and then while they figured out how to work in tandem.

It’s an amazing journey to see how much she’s grown, almost unrecognizable since the day we brought her home. She’s on her hands and knees, wanting desperately to coordinate her limbs to move forward, eats an easy 5 ounce bottle, laughs, smiles and makes noises. She responds happily to music and knows her name.

little one

With all of these new changes, one things remains. She loves to take naps on my chest.

The other night as I was rocking her to sleep, I felt her heavier for the first time. What once took up just my chest as her sleep real estate now stretched until my pelvis. She’s growing.

What they say is so right- it goes by so fast. I love this new stage that she’s in, but I’m also reminded that the days are numbered until she no longer can fit or want to take naps on my chest. I’m reminded on those days to slow down, leave the dishes, laundry and all chores aside and take in those precious moments. To put down the phone, close my eyes, take a deep breath and feel her body so close to mine. Nothing beats that.

Happy 6 months little one, we love you so much.

little one