• Lifestyle

    The Sleep Ritual That Works for Me

    We all know the effects of a good night’s rest. We are calmer, more focused, less stressed and with more energy to handle what each day brings. Research on the subject of sleep has shown that it even clears waste from the brain and supports learning and memory. So while the body is sleeping, the brain is very much at work.   It’s no surprise that while we understand how important sleep is, many of us don’t get enough of it. As a mom, it’s almost impossible. Whether it’s the stresses of the day looming over our heads at night or the to-do list for the next day, it can be difficult to…

  • Lifestyle

    Sleeping with essential oils (and other things)

    I have a lot of things in my nightly arsenal to help me go to sleep. Sleep podcasts, meditation sessions, music, a notebook, diffuser, and essential oils. It wasn’t always like that. Every time my son doesn’t want to take a nap, or my daughter gives me the “but I’m not tired”, I want to tell them how they’ll regret it one day. I remember the ability to stay up until 3 a.m, waking up early to get to class. I also remember having long weekends where I could sleep until noon like it was no big deal. Like I said before, things are different now and sleep doesn’t come…

  • nap
    Family & Motherhood

    the loss of the mid-day nap

    We are getting to that point where my son doesn’t want to take a nap anymore. I know, it’s happening. I’ve been milking the mid-day sleep break for as long as I can. I think I’ll have to come to terms with the fact that it’s slowly going away. I knew it was time with my daughter when it took longer for me to get her to nap than the actual nap. She would just play around until we both would decide a nap isn’t happening. My son still takes 2.5-hour naps and it’s gloriously quiet in the house during that time. I’m considered one of the lucky parents whose…

  • Family & Motherhood


    I am not a morning person. I’ve never been one. I remember when I first started in the working world people would tell me that I won’t be waking up at noon anymore because I need to get up at 8am every morning for work and my body will just get used to it. I’ve been in the working world for over 10 years now and I can still sleep until noon on the weekends. Boo-ya. It’s the same routine every morning. The alarm goes off at a ridiculously early hour, and I snooze it for about an hour to prolong the time I need to get up, the inevitable.…