• nap
    Family & Motherhood

    the loss of the mid-day nap

    We are getting to that point where my son doesn’t want to take a nap anymore. I know, it’s happening. I’ve been milking the mid-day sleep break for as long as I can. I think I’ll have to come to terms with the fact that it’s slowly going away. I knew it was time with my daughter when it took longer for me to get her to nap than the actual nap. She would just play around until we both would decide a nap isn’t happening. My son still takes 2.5-hour naps and it’s gloriously quiet in the house during that time. I’m considered one of the lucky parents whose…

  • Family & Motherhood

    I Should Be Sleeping…

    Every time Olivia  finally settles down for a nap during the day, the same thought runs through my head: “What should I do?” 1. Get dressed 2. Make my bed, do laundry 3. Wash bottles and dishes 4. Work and send emails 5. Watch one of my re-recorded shows (Scandal needs to be watched uninterrupted) 6. Sleep I know moms out there would tell me the obvious choice would be to take a nap, but let me tell you the problem with that. If I nap, I’ll be thinking about the 5 other things that I should just do so I don’t have to worry about them later. It’s a…