Family & Motherhood

sadness with a side of proud

My sisters and I are close. I am confident to say we are best friends. So when I dropped her off at the airport yesterday so she can start her next chapter in LA, I was overwhelmed with a full course of sadness with a side of proud by the thought of being 1,400 miles away from my best friend.

sadness with a side of proud

Back when we were in college, trying to figure out where our life was going to lead us, we unconsciously met up in Dallas, Texas and began what I consider to be one of the most fulfilling, inspiring, beautiful and truthful friendships I will ever experience. My sisters are my best friends, and I had been content with that notion for a very long time. We are all super different and as discussed just weeks before her move, decided we would never be friends in “real life” if we weren’t sisters. It’s as the saying goes:

Having a sister is like having a best friend you can’t get rid of.  You know whatever you do, they’ll still be there.  ~Amy Li

sadness with a side of proud

I knew Vanessa and Natalia would always be there- in my good, bad, ugly, fat, ridiculous, hilarious and awesomeness. It isn’t a relationship I needed to work at or mend. It’s easy. Anyone that has a close relationship with a sibiling knows where I’m at.

sadness with a side of proud

When we all settled into our Dallas home, we started sister night. It was a night that we all agreed upon according to work/personal schedules that we could get together and just catch up. No friends, boyfriends or husband allowed, just the sisters. One would cook a main dish while one would bring wine and the other dessert. When we got lazy, there was always take-out or a restaurant to meet up at. It became a Monday night comfort zone for me. A night I looked forward to and was so grateful for because we were all together. I will cherish those nights.

Now that Vanessa is in LA doing her thing, I wish her all the happiness, growth, experience and success that I can possible give her. I am proud of her for deciding to get our of her comfort zone and trying  something new. A new city, new life chapter and new people is scary and I high-five her for going for it.

I pledge to be her non-judgemental ear. Her biggest cheerleader. Her 24 hour pharmacy filled with advice and encouragement. I’m also the sister that will buy her plane ticket and unpack all her stuff if things suck over there. My other sister Natalia is in on it too, just fyi.

So now the 3 living in Dallas comes to 2, and that one is moving a block away from me. When times get tough, we move closer. That’s how sisters do it and not a day goes by that I don’t feel utterly blessed and lucky to be a part of the trio that makes us.

I love you Vanessa, go get ’em.

sadness with a side of proud