football is back
This weekend marked the first football Sunday of the season. Granted, football has been on since pre-season in our house, but Sunday was the big day (and even bigger because the 49ers played on Sunday which is my husband’s all time favorite team). So we celebrated by cooking up some food and inviting some friends over for some much-needed catching up and good laughs (which mostly came from a little 1-year-old, I mean a 15 month old).
We had a good mix over. From our master chef couple who always bring over something delicious (even if it’s store-bought), our newly parents couple who’s little one just gets bigger and bigger every time we see them, CA friends and of course my sister who always makes an appearance (even if just for a short while). We quickly figured out that our house is far from being baby-proof, and it took us all of 5 minutes to clear our coffee table to nothing but a 49er Mr. Potato Head. The steps leading up to the kitchen proved to be a challenge, and everything was up for grabs.
We had two dogs in the house this time, which Mya doesn’t really like. She’s got only dog syndrome and when another dog takes a toy or a bone of hers, she makes it known that those actions don’t fly in her house. There is something about another dog and an unwillingness to share. Meanwhile a 15 month old takes all her toys, throws her bones and even sits in her bed with no more than an eyebrow lift from the dog. Maybe it’s because the little one had chicken nuggets. He had bait.
We had a lot of food at the party: burgers, chips, dip, veggies, cookies, scoobie snacks and pigs in a blanket. Good old football food. I made these veggie/dip appetizers from pinterest which looked really cute but weren’t executed as well as I had wanted them to:
see recipe here
Drinks included this new (and awesome) Bud Light Lime-Rita:
As well as a “Redneck Mimosa” (bottle of Blue Moon beer and orange juice). So yummy!
It was a good turnout. Even though I’m not the biggest football fan, I liked watching Justin get excited when the 49ers won and I love the company that football brings.
Here’s the football season and more get-togethers!
Some pictures of the day:

On a side note, fashion and football are two words you don’t really think go together. Here’s a post from blogger Yoonanimous that is simply hilarious. Read her post here.